Legal Stuff

Legal stuff



The WarGame Processor Version 2.x for Windows

Copyright 1999 - 2000, Sean Emerson, All rights reserved

All versions of the WarGame processor executable, documentation and support files are protected by United States Copyright Law and related international treaty provisions.  You are entitled to use the program in original form only.  You may not reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or derive a work based on this work in whole or in part.



The Nature of the WarGame Processor is such that it may be abused to violate Copyright laws when dealing with  modules based on existing board wargames.  The user is obligated to avoid developing modules unless he or she legally owns a copy of the board wargame in question.  The user is additionally obligated to avoid distributing modules for use to third parties who do not own a legal copy of the board wargame in question. Under the concept of fair use, it is not a violation of Copyright law to distribute modules for third party games, as long as the recipient and the sender both legally possess a copy of the original board wargame.  You may not charge a fee for such distribution beyond a reasonable amount for materials, shipping, and handling.



This program is made available through the concept of "Shareware" which is a form of distribution that gives you the opportunity to try a piece of software before you buy it.  It is a copyrighted work that is not now, nor will it ever be regarded as in the Public Domain or otherwise "free" software.



You are granted a limited license to evaluate this software on a private, non-commercial basis only.  Registration is not only required for your continued use, it is needed to keep the development of future enhancements to WarGame Processor active.  Without your support the product cannot continue to evolve.



No warranties are implied or expressed with regard to the fitness or merchantability of the WarGame Processor for any particular purpose.  All risks and damages, incidental or otherwise, arising through the use or misuse of the WarGame Processor are entirely at the responsibility of the user.     

While considerable effort has been made to provide you with a reliable product, there is no guarantee that this program is 100% "bug-free". Additionally, this disclaimer does not guarantee future versions of this product, but maintenance releases may be made available if and when feasible.



1776, France - 1940, Third Reich, Empire of the Rising Sun, Victory in the Pacific and War & Peace are all Trademark names for board wargames by the Avalon Hill Game Company:

The Avalon Hill Game Company

4517 Harford Rd.

Baltimore MD 21214-9989

The WarGame Processor PC version was developed with Microsoft Visual C++ 5.0

Copyright © 2010, Sean Emerson

Created with the Freeware Edition of HelpNDoc: Free CHM Help documentation generator