Downloading and Installing WGP

WGP IconNOTE: WGP 4.X is Vista compatible.  Unfortunately, because of changes in the Vista OS, providing this compatibility means that all WGP users must obtain a new registration key code.  Please send this code directly to  You do not have to re-register and pay an additional license fee.

WGP is Windows 7 compatible, but Windows 7 users should read this before installing.

Download WGP V4.15 for W95/98/NT/W2K/XP/Vista now! (1721KB)
Download V4.15 update only (536KB) (Not compatible for upgrade from version 3.x. Version 4.x must be installed fully if you have not already done so)

Version history

WGP version 4 is recommended. However, Version 4 is not backwards compatible to version 3, and many modules are available for version 3 which have not yet been upgraded to version 4.

Download WGP V3.10 for W95/98/NT/W2K/XP now! (565KB)
Download V3.10 update only (257KB)

If you have any problems installing or running WGP, please don't give up! Contact me, and I'll be happy to help you as best I can to get it working so you can enjoy wargames the way they were meant to be played!

Installation (version 4)

Run the installation program. Reboot your machine after installation to be sure the font is installed correctly.

Running the program

Run WGP by double clicking the WGP.exe icon, or selecting WGP from your start menu bar, if you've set that up.

WGP will start by asking for a module to load. Select one of the modules from your modules directory. You do not need to register WGP to obtain modules , just certify to me that you do indeed own the game.

Once you've loaded a module, you will want to load a saved game. Use the File->Load menu option. Most modules come with one or more set-up files, which are saved games with the pieces in their start positions. The module set-up may have been designed with an earlier revision of WGP that you have, and will alert you to this effect. This is not a fatal error, but for information only.

It's normal to see a message informing you that your opponent's WGP version is out of date when you load a setup file for a module. Setup files are just saved games, and were probably generated with a version earlier than the one you have. This is not an error, and you can go ahead and keep playing. If it bugs you, just save the setup back to the same name using your current version of WGP.

Be sure to read through the Help file for answers to further questions.

The Start menu/desktop

If you want WGP to be available on your Start menu, select the WGP directory from Windows Explorer. RIGHT-Click on WGP.exe and drag it to the folder "C:\windows\startmenu". This will create a shortcut on your start menu button. You can also do this with the desktop.

Oleaut32.dll Problems

If you run WGP and it shows an error concerning the file Oleaut32.dll, you have an early release of Windows 95 and your ActiveX library needs to be updated. You can download the ActiveX update here. Run this program, and it will update all your ActiveX files to the latest revision.

Color Requirements

The WarGame processor requires a minimum of 256 colors on the screen to work correctly. On some video cards, a 256 color screen is not enough to see all the colors in WGP modules. If your map looks like something's missing, and you're not sure of your screen settings, set your display resolution like this:

1. Select the Start menu button. Select Settings->Control Panel.

2. Double-click on the "Display" icon.

3. Select the "Settings" tab across the top.

4. Set the Color Palette option to at least 256 color. A higher number is preferable. Press OK. Your machine may have to be rebooted for the settings to take effect, depending on your video card.

You should set your windows default font size to small, or the control buttons on WGP won't look right.